Cheese Pairing 1 - Sauvignon Blanc, Mouvedre, Mouvedre Rose


Left from right: Me, Ryan, Bob

My roommate Bob is also taking this class, so we did this together along with our roommate Ryan.

Wine and cheese spread

We bought these wines and cheeses while ago with recommendations from the wine consultant at Kroger, but we forgot which wine went with which cheese. I think we made the right pairings, however.

Cheese Assortment: Manchego, Havarti Dill, Gruyere

Starborough Savignon Blanc

My review alone:

This wine had a very unique apple and floral aroma, and an equally unique pear flavor. It was very sweet and light, with slight acidity. It felt like I was drinking sparkling fruit punch. This wine was excellent when chilled.

My review with Havarti Dill cheese:

The Havarti dill balanced the sweetness and the acidity, decreasing the sweetness and increasing the acidity. The cheese brought the Sauvignon Blanc more in line with the Chardonnays I have tasted. The presence of the cheese made the overall body of the wine a little creamier, and the wine helped the big hunk of cheese go down easier. Ok pairing, I would have liked a bit more flavor and a bit less muting.

Cline Mouvedre Rose

My review alone:

The aroma was sweet, and it really reached the back of my nose, almost to where I could taste it. The initial flavor is very berry, with the acidity increasing the longer it was in my mouth. I also noticed a very pleasant peach aftertaste.

My review with Gruyere cheese:

The cheese preserved the strong, sweet berry flavor while nullifying pretty much all the acidity. The peach in the aftertaste was also not as prominent. The cheese itself was sharp, which probably accounts for its ability to absorb the acidity of the Rose. The strength of the cheese makes its taste linger after the wine goes down. I enjoyed this pairing because it retained the strong, sweet berry initial taste, my favorite part of this wine.

Ancient Vines Cline Mouvedre

My review alone:

On first smell, I could smell the alcohol in this wine. I thought I had my nose over a shot glass of vodka. I could detect something else at the beginning of the sniff, but I cannot place it and the alcohol quickly overpowers it. The taste was mostly dry and tannic, but there were two very compelling flavors. There was a consistent tone of cherry throughout the wine's stay in my mouth and a very distinct and forceful dark chocolate aftertaste. 

My review with Manchego cheese:

This was the best pairing of the night. The Manchego muted the alcohol to allow the cherry, fruity flavor to come out. The cheese taste was not present afterward, instead, there was a nice fusion of the cheese and the dark chocolate aftertaste. Excellent pairing. I really freaking loved this wine.


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